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Oral Health Tips
Improving Your Child’s Oral Health: Simple Strategies for Parents
Most children develop their first set of primary teeth (“baby teeth”) around 6 months of age and continue growing teeth until they are around 3 years old. While these teeth are not permanent, they are an important part of oral development, acting as placeholders to...
2016 Goals for Your Teeth
There are many worthwhile resolutions to set for the New Year, but if you have always set a goal to be healthier there is something you should know: good dental health can help with your overall health. You will thank yourself in the future for making your mouth a...
Folic Acid: An Essential Nutrient for Dental Health
When it comes to the health of your teeth and gums, you may just think that as long as you brush and floss every day your mouth will be perfectly healthy. However, you also need to maintain a healthy diet to keep your pearly whites in pristine condition. Something...
New Patients
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