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Oral Health Tips
Dental Clinic Offering FREE Screenings & Cleanings for Children K-12
Roseman University College of Dental Medicine is providing dental screenings and cleanings free to children ages 18 and under at the Give Kids a Smile® event on February 3 from 9am to 4pm in an effort to raise awareness about the importance of oral healthcare and help...
Top 3 Tips for Keeping Your Teeth Sparkling White
To keep your pearly whites as brilliant as possible, you can use the usual whitening methods: expensive professional treatments, gum, toothpaste, and mouthwash. There are also simple, everyday habits that can help brighten your smile. Your teeth not only help you...
4 Tips for Preventing Plaque Buildup
Even with regular professional oral checkups and taking care of your teeth in between visits at home, bacteria still form in your mouth. Proteins and food byproducts mix to form a film on your teeth called dental plaque. Prevention Routine for Plaque Buildup Only a...
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