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Oral Health Tips
A Fresh Smile in the New Year
A New Year is not only a fresh start, but a great time to make positive changes in our lives. One of the most common new year resolutions is to have a healthier, everyday lifestyle. Whether it’s eating better, being more physically active, or getting your wellness in...
Flossing Today and Beyond
In November of 2000, the National Flossing Council created National Flossing Day to educate patients about the importance of keeping teeth and gums in pristine condition. Occurring annually the day after Thanksgiving, it’s a fantastic way to give thanks to our teeth...
2020 Give Kids a Smile® – Free Dental Screenings & Cleanings for Children 18 & Under
Roseman Dental and Roseman University College of Dental Medicine are providing dental screenings and cleanings free to qualifying children ages 18 and under at the Give Kids a Smile® event on Friday, February 7 from 9am to 4pm in an effort to raise awareness about the...
New Patients
If you have any additional questions, please call us at 801-878-1200 or click the contact us button.
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