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Oral Health Tips
The Importance of Wearing Mouthguards
School has started and after-school activities including sports have picked back up again which means that there is an increased risk for losing teeth due to mouth injuries. When a child loses his two front teeth, it’s cute and we write songs about it. When an...
2022 Give Kids a Smile® Presented by Marathon Petroleum Corporation – Free Dental Screenings & Cleanings for Children 18 & Under
Roseman Dental and Roseman University College of Dental Medicine are providing dental screenings and cleanings free to qualifying children ages 18 and under at the Give Kids a Smile® event in an effort to raise awareness about the importance of oral healthcare and...
Do I Have a Cavity?
Cavities are one of the world’s most common health problems – especially in children, teenagers, and older adults. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 52 percent of children have a cavity in their primary teeth and 57 percent of...
New Patients
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