Urgent Care Clinic

Call Us Now: (801) 878-1200
Or stop on by, we welcome walk-ins.
If your call is outside of our regular 8:00 am – 5:00 pm weekday business hours, it will be forwarded to an answering service, which may be able to reach our on-call dentist. Please note that we are closed for lunch from 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm.
The Urgent Care Clinic can only provide after hours care to active Roseman Dental patients of record.
What is a dental emergency?
A dental emergency is a dental problem resulting in pain, visible swelling, or bleeding. Symptoms such as these can typically result from severe dental infections, dental decay, or recent oral trauma. Treatment in Roseman Dental’s Urgent Care Clinic is only for the relief of temporary symptoms associated with a dental emergency and is not a substitute for comprehensive care by your personal dentist.
We realize it is difficult to “schedule” an emergency, but scheduled patients will have priority. Walk-in clients will be accepted only if time and space are available. If a walk-in patient cannot be seen on the day they come in for treatment, they will be given an appointment for the next available clinic session.
Services Provided
We provide urgent care for pain, swelling, infection, and other oral health problems as needed. In some cases, the care required may exceed the ability of our student or resident dentists. In that event, our Roseman Dental faculty (who are licensed Utah dentists) will either provide care or will refer patients to a local dentist or specialist.
Insurance & Fees
All fees must be paid at the time of service. Patients should be prepared to pay approximately $250.00. Please be aware this is only an estimate. Once a diagnosis has been made, patients will be provided with a treatment plan for their specific needs. We accept cash, check, credit card, or Care Credit for payment. If you have Dental Insurance, please consult a Patient Care Coordinator prior to your appointment to review your Dental Benefits.

Clinic Location
Roseman University College of Dental Medicine
River Park Corporate Center
10894 S. River Front Pkwy
South Jordan, UT 84095
Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Closed on weekends and all holidays when the university is closed.
The Dental Clinic at Roseman University is located in the 5-story building to the north. Parking for patients and visitors is on the north side of the building.
Parking for urgent care patients is available in the front row of the parking area of the north side of the Roseman University College of Dental Medicine building. Additional parking is available in the parking lots on the north and west sides of the building.

Need to schedule an appointment?
Need to schedule an appointment?