by Roseman Dental | Nov 20, 2020 | Dental Clinic Blog, Roseman Dental - NV, Roseman Dental - UT
If a muralist was to paint a portrait of the 2020 Thanksgiving celebration, it may look a little different from that of the first feast shared between the Pilgrams and Native Americans in 1621 or even your own feast in 2019.
As the United States continues an upward trend of COVID-19 cases during the month of November, experts are cautioning traditional Thanksgiving celebrations of large gatherings. According to the Nevada COVID Map and Case Count by the New York Times, on November 19 Nevada reported the highest count since the beginning of November with 2,128 cases. Over the past week (11/13/2020-11/19/2020), Nevada has reported an average of 1,839 cases per day which is an increase of 87 percent from the average two weeks earlier.
Dr. Bruce Morgenstern, the senior executive dean for clinical affairs at Roseman University College of Medicine and practicing physician at Roseman Medical Group (RMG), recently shared tips for Thanksgiving preparations during the coronavirus pandemic with KTNV Las Vegas.
For those planning a traditional Thanksgiving during COVID, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has some recommendations to minimize the risk of having COVID-19 as an additional guest during Thanksgiving dinner.
6 Tips for a Safe Thanksgiving during COVID

If planning to travel out of state, Dr. Morgenstern suggests getting a flu vaccine before your trip as an added barrier. Whether celebrating close to home or far away, taking necessary precautions could help reduce the risk of COVID-19 or other harmful viruses from affecting you and your loved ones.
by Roseman Dental | Nov 9, 2020 | Dental Clinic Blog, Dental School, Roseman Dental - NV, Roseman Dental - UT
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) Awareness Month takes place every November with the purpose of educating the public about the realities of TMJ disorders. According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, estimates suggest that TMJ disorders affect over 10 million Americans.
What is TMJ?
TMJ is a hinge that connects the jaw to the temporal bone of the skull. There is one joint on each side of the jaw. This joint works together with supporting jaw muscles and ligaments to help an individual talk, chew, and yawn by moving the jaw up and down, and side to side.
Because this joint is so small and delicate, it’s prone to becoming damaged, inflamed or irritated. When this occurs, an individual might experience issues with chewing, speaking or opening their mouth, and suffer from severe pain and discomfort.
What is TMD?
Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) is the term used to refer to the various disorders that can affect the temporomandibular joint.
What causes TMD?
The TMJ combines a hinge action with gliding motions. The parts that interact in the joint are shielded with cartilage and are separated by a small shock-absorbing disk which keeps the movement smooth. Although the exact cause of the condition is not clear, there are several factors that may increase the risk of developing TMD.
Causes and possible risk factors include:
- Deterioration of the disk through various types of autoimmune diseases
- Jaw injury or dislocation due to trauma from an accident
- Overuse through excessive gum chewing or teeth grinding and/or clenching
- Tooth or jaw alignment
- Infection or inflammation in the chewing muscles
What are the Symptoms of TMD?
An individual with TMD often experiences severe pain and discomfort. It can be temporary or last several years and might affect one of both sides of the face. TMJ disorders are known to affect more women than men and are most commonly found in those between the ages of 20 and 40.
Common symptoms include:
- Pain or tenderness in the TMJ or jaw muscles
- Locking of TMJ – making it difficult to open or close the mouth
- Clicking sound or grating sensation when opening the mouth or chewing
- Tension in the face, neck and shoulders
- A change in teeth alignment
Treatment Options for TMD
Most TMJ disorders are self-limiting, therefore a conservative approach is best. This approach includes eating soft foods, avoiding repetitive function (gum chewing, biting nails, ice chewing), modifying pain with heat packs, and practicing relaxation techniques to minimize tension. A dentist may recommend exercises to strengthen the jaw muscles, medications, or a night guard or bite plate to decrease grinding or clenching.
Care at Roseman Dental
Patients experiencing symptoms associated with a TMJ disorder, needing help to treat pain, jaw dysfunction, or restoration of bite can visit Roseman Dental. To find out how to become a patient of Roseman Dental at Roseman University College of Dental Medicine, or to schedule an appointment, please contact us at the location closest to you. Roseman Dental is here to help in eliminating the pain and discomfort associated with TMJ disorders.
Roseman Dental & Orthodontic Clinic – Henderson, NV: 702-968-5222 or visit
Roseman Dental – South Jordan, UT: 801-878-1200 or visit
For more information on TMJ disorders visit the Nation Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research at
Article by Kristine Campo
by Roseman Dental | Nov 4, 2019 | Clinic Events - UT, Dental Clinic Blog, Oral Health, Roseman Dental - UT
Roseman Dental and Roseman University College of Dental Medicine are providing dental screenings and cleanings free to qualifying children ages 18 and under at the Give Kids a Smile® event on Friday, February 7 from 9am to 4pm in an effort to raise awareness about the importance of oral healthcare and help stop the spread of untreated dental decay. Children and teens who come in for a checkup and cleaning will also get a voucher* to return to Roseman Dental for a free comprehensive exam, free x-rays, and up to $50 in additional care.
Friday, February 7
9:00 am – 4:00 pm | No appointments – walk-in patients only, while supplies last
Roseman Dental
10894 S River Front Pkwy
South Jordan, UT 84095
*Voucher is void if unsigned. Expires after 12 months, and is only redeemable at Roseman University College of Dental Medicine. Vouchers are non-transferable, may not be duplicated, and cannot be combined with additional offers. Cannot be used as payment towards Roseman dental membership plan dues. Not redeemable for cash and applicable for school aged children 18 years and younger.
by Roseman Dental | Jul 15, 2019 | Clinic Events - UT, Dental Clinic Blog, Oral Health, Roseman Dental - UT
Did you know that dental pain is the #1 reason kids miss school? Keep you kids in school with a FREE back to school dental screening and cleaning.
On Friday, August 9 between 9am and 4pm Roseman Dental will be holding its annual Back to School Brush-Up. Free screenings and cleanings will be provided to children 18 and under at our Clinic located at 10894 S. River Front Pkwy, South Jordan, UT 84095. Roseman Dental is easily accessible by FrontRunner, TRAX and UTA buses.
After the screening and cleaning each child will receive a voucher* for free x-rays, exam and $50 of care to be used at Roseman Dental, the clinical practice of Roseman University College of Dental Medicine, for future treatment. No appointments necessary!
Event Date
Friday, August 9
Event Time
9am to 4pm
Event Location
10894 S. River Front Pkwy, South Jordan, UT 84095
Thank you to our sponsors!
Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor

Download English Flyer Here
Download Spanish Flyer Here
by Roseman Dental | Jan 15, 2019 | Clinic Events - UT, Dental Clinic Blog, Oral Health, Roseman Dental - UT
Give Kids a Smile® is a national event organized by the American Dental Association. It began in 2003 as a way for dentists across the country to join with others in their community to provide dental services to underserved children. It was initially a one-day event in February and has grown to include national and local events year-round. Approximately 350,000 children receive treatment at 1,500 events with more than 40,000 people volunteering their time to participate.
On Friday, February 1st between 9am and 4pm Roseman Dental will be participating in Give Kids a Smile®. Free screenings and cleanings will be provided to children 18 and under at our Clinic located at 10894 S. River Front Pkwy, South Jordan, UT 84095. Roseman Dental is easily accessible by FrontRunner, TRAX and UTA buses.
After the screening and cleaning each child will receive a voucher* for free x-rays, exam and $50 of care to be used at Roseman University Dental Clinic for future treatment. No appointments necessary!
Event Date
Friday, February 1
Event Time
9am to 4pm
Event Location
10894 S. River Front Pkwy, South Jordan, UT 84095
Download Event Flyer Here
by Roseman Dental | Mar 30, 2017 | Clinic Events - UT, Dental Clinic Blog, Roseman Dental - UT
Roseman University’s American Student Dental Association (ASDA) is putting on the 4th Annual Oral Cancer Foundation 5K Walk/ Run for Awareness on Saturday, April 8 from 9am to 2pm at the East Riverfront Park (10991 South Riverfront Parkway, South Jordan, UT 84095).
Come join Roseman to raise funding and awareness for this disease that has affected thousands. There will be speakers and doctors at the event to talk about their experiences. There will also be FREE oral cancer screening! Bring your kids, family and friends!
To register for the event, please click on the button below.

If you can’t make it to the event and still want to donate to the cause, please click the button below.

Event Date
Saturday, April 8
Event Time
9am to 2pm
Event Location
East Riverfront Park
10991 South Riverfront Parkway
South Jordan, UT 84095
To learn more about Oral Cancer visit