by Roseman Dental | Apr 22, 2015 | Dental Clinic Blog, Oral Health, Roseman Dental - NV, Roseman Dental - UT
What you eat can have a major effect on the health of your teeth and gums. Most people already know about things to avoid, such as coffee and tea that can stain your teeth, or sugar foods that feed bacteria in the mouth. But what about foods that actually help your mouth remain healthy and keep teeth enamel strong? This is what you need to know about how food choices play an important role in preventing tooth decay and gum disease.
Drinking plenty of water is a great way to naturally clean teeth because water can help wash away build up or particles in the mouth. Staying hydrated also ensures that your mouth is producing the saliva it needs to clean teeth and properly break down food for digestion.
Fruits and Vegetables
You may have heard people refer to apples as “nature’s toothbrushes” before, and in a way this is true of many crunchy fruits and vegetables. These foods have a high water content which helps wash away the sugars that are also contained in the food. The firm texture of many fruits and veggies also helps naturally clean tooth enamel.
Dairy foods like milk and cheese contain calcium which helps build strong tooth enamel. The minerals in dairy foods also help the body create new layers of enamel on teeth.
Sugar and Sugar Substitutes
Sugar is one of the worst things for oral health because an accumulation of sugar in the mouth leads to a buildup of bacteria. If you have a sweet tooth that you just can’t seem to get rid of, however, there may be hope in the form of sugar substitutes. Substitute sugars like saccharin, advantame and aspartame are thought to be safe for oral health because they generally do not produce the same acids that cause decay as regular, naturally-occurring sugars do.
Eating right most of the time doesn’t just help keep your mouth healthy, it also helps promote good health overall.
by Roseman Dental | Apr 15, 2015 | Dental Clinic Blog, Oral Health, Roseman Dental - NV, Roseman Dental - UT
There are so many different types of oral care professionals out there, so trying to figure out what type of professional to see for a specific oral issue can be challenging. Many dental patients find themselves especially confused regarding the work that prosthodontists do. Unlike other dental professionals that often perform a wide variety of dental treatments, prosthodontists are highly specialized in teeth restoration and aesthetic improvement.
Here are the top five reasons why you should consider making an appointment with a prosthodontist:
1. Missing Teeth
Teeth can fall out for any number of reasons, including sports accidents, periodontal disease and old age. Prosthodontists are experts at tooth replacement and can offer a variety of solutions for missing teeth, including:
- Implants
- Bridges
- Full dentures
- Partial dentures
If you are currently missing one or multiple teeth, you should schedule an appointment with a prosthodontist and find out what it will take to restore your smile to its original beauty.
2. Complicated Aesthetic Needs
When you need intricate teeth restoration procedures due to worn or damaged teeth, you may want to seek advice from a prosthodontist. While other oral professionals may be able to help solve simple aesthetic problems, a prosthodontist has the tools and the skills necessary to perform more intricate procedures.
3. Congenital Oral Conditions
An experienced prosthodontist can offer extensive facial reconstruction for congenital oral conditions such as cleft palate and other issues that affect the function and appearance of the mouth.
4. Correction of Jaw Problems
Certain jaw joint problems may be corrected with the help of a prosthodontist. TMJ, TMD and other issues may require corrective procedures that only prosthodontists are able to perform.
5. Complete Oral Reconstruction
In some cases, complete oral reconstruction may be required in order to improve both the appearance and function of your smile. Although uncommon, oral reconstruction may be needed after oral cancer treatments or traumatic facial injuries.
If you would like to improve the appearance and functionality of your smile, try scheduling a consultation with a prosthodontist and find out what treatment options they recommend for you.
by Roseman Dental | Apr 15, 2015 | Dental Clinic Blog
Students at Roseman University’s College of Dental Medicine recently hosted the second annual Oral Cancer Awareness Run/Walk in Utah to highlight the importance of oral cancer screenings and prevention.
There are about 43,000 new diagnoses for oral or pharyngeal cancer in the U.S. every year, and about 8,000 people will die from these diseases annually. Oral cancer five-year survival rates are only at 57 percent, which is markedly lower than survival rates for diseases like breast cancer (85 percent) or prostate cancer (close to 100 percent). Despite significant advances in cancer treatments and therapies, the five-year survival rate for oral cancer has remained the same for decades because many people do not discover the cancer until very late in the development, when it has metastasized to another area of the body (often the lymph nodes in the neck).
Risk Factors for Oral Cancer
It’s important to understand the risk factors for oral cancer so you know whether you should visit a dentist for an oral cancer screening. The most common risk factors for developing oral cancers include:
- Age – individuals over 40 are at a higher risk of developing this disease.
- Smoking or using smokeless tobacco – smokeless tobacco is not a safer alternative to smoking, and both put you at risk for oral cancer.
- Excessive alcohol consumption – this risk is increased for individuals who combine heavy alcohol consumption with tobacco use.
- Frequent or prolonged exposure to sun without proper protection – this can lead to cancers in the lip area, although these are declining with the increased awareness of the dangers of ultraviolet rays.
- Previous diagnosis of oral cancer or other cancers.
In recent years doctors have seen an increase in the number of younger people diagnosed with the disease, and research has revealed it is likely due to human papilloma virus number 16 (HPV16), a disease transmitted through sexual contact. Getting oral cancer from HPV16 is particularly dangerous because it often affects the back of the mouth, such as oropharynx, tonsils, or the back of the tongue, and doesn’t produce some of the same telltale signs of disease (visible lesions, discoloration) that can lead to early diagnosis.
Getting Screened for the Disease
Part of the danger with oral cancer is that there are not a lot of really obvious signs of the disease in its early stages. The best way to lower your risk is to visit your dentist regularly for cleanings and check-ups, at the recommended six-month intervals. Dentists can often see some of the early changes in the tissues in your mouth, or even feel the tumor while it is still very small.
Some other signs of oral cancer include a white or red patch of tissue in the mouth, a canker sore that doesn’t heal after more than two weeks, or unexplained and persistent bleeding in the mouth. If you can feel an obvious lump or bump, you have difficulty swallowing, a persistent earache on one side, or hoarseness that doesn’t heal for a long time, it’s a good idea to have these things checked by your dentist. Often the dentist will order a biopsy of suspicious-looking areas to determine for sure whether it is cancer.
Treating Oral Cancer
Treatment for oral cancer may involve a mix of surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy depending on the stage at diagnosis. These methods are most effective when you can catch the cancer early.
If you have not been screened recently for oral cancer and you have some warning signs or risk factors, it’s important to see a dentist right away. The Dental Clinic at Roseman University offers an affordable option for dental care if you don’t have a dentist or don’t have dental insurance. Early diagnosis and treatment offer the best chance for survival when it comes to oral cancer.
by Roseman Dental | Mar 25, 2015 | Dental Clinic Blog, Oral Health, Roseman Dental - NV, Roseman Dental - UT
There are few things that are more important to your health than checking for signs of cancer. With any type of cancer, early detection is crucial. With oral cancer, detecting the signs and symptoms early can be life-saving. There are a few key symptoms to look for when checking for oral cancer.
White or Red Lesions
There are two types of lesions that your need to be on the lookout for. White lesions, also called leukoplakia, and red lesions, sometimes called erythroplakia, are both clear indicators of oral cancer. Red lesions are more likely to be cancerous, but white lesions are more common. If you notice any of these lesions that do not go away within two weeks, consider getting a biopsy to determine if they are cancerous or not.
Lump or Thickening of Oral Soft Tissue
If there are any lumps in or around your mouth or if something is more swollen than it typically should be, notify your doctor. This can be one of the signs that something may be wrong. Any issue like this that lasts longer than two weeks could be a potential indicator for oral cancer.
Difficulty Chewing or Swallowing
If you have any difficulty chewing or swallowing, this could be an indicator for oral cancer. This is one of the many signs that something could be wrong. Other symptoms can include sore throat, ear pain, any difficulty moving your tongue or jaw and numbness. You should be on the lookout for these symptoms regularly, although you will probably notice them right away. If they persist longer than two weeks, make an appointment to address the issue with your doctor.
Early detection of any cancer is paramount to your health. Regularly check for these and any other common or possible signs and symptoms of oral cancer. It’s also important to take steps toward reducing your risk for developing oral cancer. Reducing sun exposure, quitting smoking and eating enough fruits and vegetables are all possible ways to lessen your cancer risk.