How Does Mouthwash Work?

You have probably heard that mouthwash is a valuable addition to any dental hygiene routine, but you may not understand why. Simply swishing a tingly liquid around in your mouth may not seem like a big deal, but new research published in 2013 shows that patients who use an effective mouth rinse along with their tooth-brushing routine are able to reduce their gingivitis and plaque significantly. Here is a simple explanation of how mouthwash works.

Toothbrush Reach is Limited

Although toothbrushes are extremely helpful for removing plaque and bacteria from the visible surfaces of the teeth, they are not able to get into the cracks and crannies where bacteria love to grow and flourish. Mouthwash, on the other hand, is able to reach almost 100 percent of the various surfaces in the mouth, which makes it invaluable (along with floss) for cleaning hard-to-reach areas.

Antiseptic Properties

Some types of mouthwash are formulated to have anti-plaque and antiseptic properties. This means that individuals who rinse with antiseptic mouthwashes may be able to kill a significant portion of the bacterial plaque found within the mouth. When used in conjunction with regular brushing and flossing, mouthwash can offer the following benefits:

  • Reduced tooth decay
  • Decreased instances of bad breath
  • Reduced chance of developing gingivitis

How Mouthwash is Used

Mouthwash is most effective when it is forcefully swished around the mouth. This action helps the mouthwash to reach the gaps between the teeth and remove food particles and bacteria from those areas. Individuals who have bad breath are also encouraged to gargle with mouthwash because the bacteria that cause bad breath often reside in the back of the tongue and throat.

It is important not to swallow mouthwash, though, since it may contain alcohol and other ingredients that are not safe for ingestion. In order to discourage swallowing, it is recommended that you only put a pre-measured amount of mouthwash in your mouth at a given time.

Improve Your Dental Health with Mouthwash

If you want to add to your current dental regimen and improve your dental health even more, purchase high-quality mouthwash and use it on a regular basis. 

Diabetes: Your Mouth Matters

Diabetes: Your Mouth Matters

Maintaining good oral health and seeing a dentist regularly can reduce the risk of developing or exacerbating diabetes

You know that things like diet and exercise can impact your health, but did you know that what happens in your mouth can also have a significant effect on your whole body, including your risk of developing or exacerbating conditions like diabetes?

Diabetes is quickly becoming one of the largest health crises in America. According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), 29.1 million Americans had diabetes in 2012, nearly 10 percent of the population. Additionally, the ADA estimates that there are 86 million Americans with pre-diabetes. The annual cost of this disease is also staggering—$245 billion per year in 2012, a 41 percent increase over just a five-year span. About $176 million of that is attributed to direct medical costs, with another $69 million in reduced productivity.

Diabetes & Oral Health – A Two-Way Street

Diabetes is a chronic condition, requiring patients to maintain discipline and strict self-management to prevent complications. Care providers often prescribe diet and exercise changes that can help a patient manage diabetes, and now many are also adding proper oral health care to that list as well.

Many researchers have examined whether a lack of good oral health care puts a person at higher risk for developing diabetes, or whether having diabetes contributes to poor oral health. As it turns out, it goes both ways—individuals with diabetes are more prone to develop periodontal disease, and the existence of periodontal disease can also cause problems in managing diabetes.

The Role of Inflammation

Inflammation is our body’s natural response to harmful pathogens or outside stimuli. When our body senses something harmful, it summons our vascular and immune system to the area, releasing toxins through the blood to remove the harmful pathogens, which allows the body to begin healing. This is known as acute inflammation.

When inflammation persists over a long period of time it is called chronic inflammation. The cells sent to fight inflammation are powerful defenders of the body, but they also release toxins (commonly referred to as cytokines) that can accumulate and become harmful to the body. Research has shown that high levels of these toxins reduce the body’s response to insulin and increase the risk of developing diabetes. Periodontal disease is a chronic inflammatory disease, and the most common form is gingivitis. In fact, as much as 50 percent of the U.S. population suffers from gum disease and, like any inflammatory condition, this causes an increase in cytokines, which is linked to insulin resistance and other risk factors for diabetes and coronary heart disease.

For patients who already have diabetes, periodontal diseases make it harder for the body to maintain metabolic control, which increases the risk of complications, according to research studies.

Mitigating Risk with Proper Oral Care

Poor oral health makes it more difficult to control glucose levels, which can lead to major complications for people with diabetes. Diseases like gingivitis can cause dry mouth and decreased salivary flow, creating favorable conditions for bacteria. The existence of bacteria results in periodontal disease, and the cycle of inflammation and the body’s response ensues, along with all its harmful effects.

But there are ways to mitigate the risk of chronic inflammation. One of the best ways is to visit your dentist regularly.

“If you visit the same dentist regularly at the recommended six-month intervals, he or she can identify subtle changes that may indicate a potential problem,” said Dr. Kenneth King, Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs and Patient Care at Roseman University College of Dental Medicine in South Jordan, Utah.

“Things like gingivitis, recession of the gums, tender tissues, bone loss, calculus build-up, and increased number of cavities can all be indicators of a larger systemic problem,” said King. But since the changes are subtle, a dentist may have a difficult time diagnosing it for someone who comes infrequently for check-ups, or someone who gets a new dentist every couple of years. “Seeing the same dentist at regular intervals over a number of years is ideal, so he or she knows your history and can identify the more subtle indicators.”

If you already have diabetes, seeing a dentist regularly is equally important. A study by Drs. David Mosen, Daniel Pihlstrom and John Snyder published in the January 2012 issue of the Journal of the American Dental Association showed that receipt of regular dental care reduces diabetes-specific medical care utilization. Specifically, study participants (all of whom had diabetes) who saw a dentist at least twice a year over a three-year period had better glycemic control, or the ability to keep blood sugar at a safe level. Regular-dental-care patients were also less likely to have diabetes-related hospital and emergency department admissions.

As with any condition, it is important to meet regularly with your healthcare provider to ensure that you are doing what you can to manage the disease. In the case of diabetes, be sure to schedule regular dental visits as well. Your mouth, and your body, will thank you.

The Benefits of Good Oral Hygiene

Brushing and flossing regularly can keep your teeth and gums healthy and your smile bright, but good oral hygiene benefits more than just your mouth. When you take care of your teeth and gums, you’re taking care of your whole body.

  1. Healthier Heart – Flossing keeps your gums healthy, but it can protect your heart as well. People with periodontal disease may have an increased risk of developing heart disease and may double their risk of experiencing a fatal heart attack. Gum disease can also lead to inflammation throughout the body, which is detrimental to your body and heart. On the other hand, healthy gums can contribute to a healthy heart.
  2. Healthier Pregnancy – Pregnancy can take a toll on a woman’s oral health, and starting off with healthy habits can protect you from the gum disease and increased cavities some pregnant women experience. Poor oral health may also increase your risk of delivering prematurely, so good oral hygiene is important for the health and safety of both you and your unborn baby.
  3. Improved Diabetes Management – If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, it’s important to know that you may be more prone to gum disease. You should also know that gum disease may affect your diabetes by increasing your insulin resistance. This two-way link between diabetes and gum disease makes it extremely important to maintain healthy oral care habits.
  4. Early Cancer Detection – Dentists are trained to detect early signs of oral cancer in the gums, lips, tongue and cheeks, so a regular checkup can alert you to a potential problem while it is still in the early stages. Oral cancer can advance quickly, so early detection can be lifesaving.
  5. Weight Management – Brushing can signal to your brain that you are finished eating, preventing you from snacking once a meal is complete. Brush and floss about 30 minutes after meals to keep your teeth and gums healthy, but also to prevent overeating and mindless snacking between meals.

Dentists recommend that you brush and floss at least twice a day, and that you schedule a cleaning and checkup twice a year. By maintaining good oral hygiene, you protect your teeth as well as your health. 

5 Tips to Whiter Teeth

Whether you’re looking to score a date with a special person or ace an interview you’ve been preparing for, one thing remains certain: you may not get as far as you would hope without a great smile. Here are several tips you can use to enjoy a brighter and whiter smile.

1. Stop Drinking Energy Drinks

Even if you live for the rush that energy drinks give you, they are not very good for your teeth. Their acidic content is very corrosive to the enamel on your teeth. If you cannot stop drinking them entirely, then start limiting your consumption of them. Make sure you use a straw when drinking them to keep your teeth from swimming in acid.

2. Avoid Dark Foods

Try to limit your consumption of dark foods and beverages. Dark foods and beverages have a staining effect on your teeth that can leave them discolored and dull looking. Of course, some foods, such as blueberries are very beneficial to your health (and also dark) so use your judgment when eating and drinking foods and beverages that contain dark pigmentation, and chew gum or brush teeth about 20 to 30 minutes after if you are concerned about the staining effects of what you consumed.

3. Eat Your Raw Fruits and Veggies

Eating raw fruits and veggies is not just good for your health, they are also good for your teeth. Raw foods, such as nuts, cauliflower, broccoli, and apples act as “scrubbers” when you chew them to help remove surface stains and plaque from your teeth. Crunchy veggies and nuts also help strengthen your teeth and bones for long-lasting teeth.

4. Change Your Toothbrush

Remember to replace your toothbrush every three to four months or as soon as you notice it looking worn out. After this amount of time, the bristles on your toothbrush start to lose their firmness and shape, thus reducing their effectiveness at cleaning your teeth.

5. Rinse Your Mouth

Rinse your mouth after eating and drinking sugary and acidic foods and beverages. Rinsing immediately after consumption helps to get rid of the acid that is left behind in your mouth. If you don’t, the acid that remains in your mouth will strip the enamel from your teeth making it easier for them to stain.

No matter what you do to keep your teeth clean, don’t forget to see your dentist as needed. Practicing good dental hygiene and receiving proper dental care will keep your smile bright and white.