Surprising Reasons Why You Should Smile More

Unless something particularly funny or enjoyable is going on, you may not be inclined to smile that often. Plenty of research has been done in the area, and it turns out there are numerous benefits to smiling more frequently. If you find that you frown or have a neutral expression fairly often, then you may want to think about showing off your pearly whites on a regular basis.

Smiling Reduces Anxiety and Stress

If you are feeling stressed out, you may not feel like smiling so much. However, studies have found that individuals who smile when they are going through troublesome times had lower heart rates. The smile may be fake, but it comes with real results.

Smiling Helps You be Seen as More Trustworthy and Personable

Anyone looking to make strides in their careers should consider smiling at the office. People are more likely to engage with individuals who are smiling compared to people who always look stern. Additionally, smiling enhances your credibility so if you need people to trust and like you, smiling could be the ticket.

Smiling Releases Endorphins

Endorphins are chemicals released within your brain that make you happy. They are released when you engage in an activity you enjoy, and it has been found that smiling releases the same chemicals. You can boost your mood simply by exercising those facial muscles.

Smiling is Contagious

You probably already know that yawning is contagious. When you see someone else yawn, you are likely to do it yourself. The same principle applies to smiling. When you smile, other people around you are more inclined to smile. Everyone enjoys a release of endorphins, and everyone feels a little less stressed out.

You do not have to watch your favorite sitcom to crack a smile. Try doing it when you are sitting at your desk or driving in traffic. If you train yourself to smile more, then you will do it without even being conscious of the effort. 

The Importance of Regular Dental Exams

Do you actually go to the dentist twice as year, as many dental professional recommend? If not, you should really be scheduling routine dental exams often. There are numerous benefits, and you are putting your oral health at risk by not having a professional regularly examine your teeth and gums. Here are just a few reasons why you should schedule dental appointments twice a year.

Check for Oral Health Problems

Unless something is really hurting you, then it is likely that you will remain unaware if a problem is developing within your teeth or gums. Gum disease can sometimes start off as asymptomatic, but become far more serious if it’s not treated. A professional dentist will be able to detect any problems, big or small, and recommend the most appropriate treatment. X-rays may also be taken to see if any issues are growing out of the dentist’s sight.

Thorough Teeth Cleaning

You should be brushing twice a day and flossing once daily, but even that is not always enough to stop the spread of plaque. Dentists have higher-quality tools to remove plaque and tartar. In addition to eliminating tartar, your dentist will also polish the teeth to help eliminate surface stains. You cannot get this level of cleaning at home, and it is a huge benefit if you get a professional cleaning twice yearly.

Recommendations in Your Oral Healthcare Routine

After examining and cleaning your teeth, your dentist will tell you if there is anything you need to change in your oral healthcare routine, such as brushing more often or adding flossing to your routine. A dentist may also see that you are brushing every day, but you are doing it incorrectly and can show you how to brush properly.

The combination of daily dental cleaning and professional check-ups every so often will increase your chances of healthy teeth throughout your life. If it has been a while since your last visit to the dentist, then schedule one at your earliest convenience. 

Dental Trends: 3 Ways Dentistry is Changing for the Better

Dental Trends: 3 Ways Dentistry is Changing for the Better

The recommendation that you visit your dentist at least twice a year certainly isn’t anything new, but when you get to your dental office you might notice that there are several things that are changing about the way you receive care and interact with the staff and the dentist. Today’s dentists are increasingly embracing technology as a way to offer a higher level of care and a more streamlined visit. Here are just a few of the trends you might see next time you visit your dentist.

Minimally Invasive Treatments

You might not believe it, but dentists don’t like drilling your teeth any more than you like having them drilled. Fortunately with advances in dental technology and treatment methods, more and more procedures can be performed in a way that is “minimally invasive”. The goal with these treatments is to conserve as much of your healthy tooth structure as possible, removing the least amount of natural tooth to achieve a long-lasting positive result. Fixing crooked teeth and other malocclusions has also become easier and less invasive with products like Invisalign®, while advances in treating cavities and other oral health-related problems have led to better and longer-lasting outcomes.

Dental Implants

Another improvement to dental treatment in recent years is the more widespread use of dental implants to improve the appearance and function of your teeth without damaging or impacting the teeth that surround it. Dental implants or implant-supported dentures have quickly become a popular option for many people who have damaged or missing teeth, although they are not an option in every case. Visit The Dental Clinic at Roseman University to find out more about dental implants if you think you might be a candidate.

Technology in the Dental Office

Rapid advances in technology have impacted the way we do business, the way we communicate, and our overall health and wellness—including dental health. Today many dentists are using digital CAD/CAM technology (computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing); with a small wand about the size and shape of an electric toothbrush, your dentist can create a digital image of your mouth and the shape of oral structures inside.

“Traditional impressions that record the shape and configuration of teeth and mouth can often be replaced with scans from laser or LED light cameras. The digital file is sent to a 3D printer or milling machine to create a model made of lightweight, durable resin,” said Dr. Doug Ashman, a professor at Roseman University College of Dental Medicine. “The advantage of this approach, beyond the obvious improvement in the patient’s comfort, is the increased accuracy of the digital impression and the ability to store and retrieve the image at a later time, as needed.”

Similar technology can be used to create crowns and fixed bridges, and with the help of sophisticated software, the dentist can create a uniquely designed and perfectly shaped crown ready for implant, often in just a matter of minutes while the patient waits in the dental chair.

Other technology you might start to see at your dental office includes software and apps that allow you to schedule appointments with ease, fill in your health history prior to arriving at the dentist’s office, and get things like text and voicemail reminders when it’s time for your appointment.

While the trends in dental medicine are improving the way patients receive treatment and interact with their dental office, there is one trend that is never going away: having a healthy smile and a healthy mouth will always be in style.

Teaching Children About Oral Health

Oral hygiene is important for people of all ages. Young children, in particular, can benefit from good oral health habits. Setting good habits with your children can improve their overall health and prevent oral problems like cavities and gingivitis, so use these tips to teach children effective habits.

Brush and Floss Daily

Children should understand the importance of brushing and flossing at a young age. These simple activities are the best ways to prevent tooth decay. Regular brushing helps to remove plaque build up on the teeth, while flossing helps remove food and residue that is lodged between the teeth and underneath the gums.

To help your children with brushing and flossing, make sure they have the right tools. You can purchase floss and toothpaste made specifically for children, and parents should help children with brush until the child has the manual dexterity to tie their shoes. Also, make sure to change out their toothbrushes regularly.

Eating a Balanced Diet

Poor eating habits can contribute to oral health problems. It is especially important to limit the amount of starchy and sugary foods your child consumes. These foods can cause plaque to build up on the teeth, and they are one of the main causes of decay. If your child does consume these foods, have them rinse their mouth with water after eating. It is also a good idea to give your children drinking water with fluoride.

Visit the Dentist

Part of establishing good oral hygiene with children involves visiting the dentist. You can schedule regular checkups with the dentist for a thorough cleaning and inspection. It is also important to visit the dentist if your child experiences a mouth injury or loses a tooth.

When you establish good oral health habits, your children will be less likely to develop cavities or gum problems. It is important to implement these tips sooner rather than later because as your children get older, they need to understand and practice good oral hygiene on their own.