5 Tips to Whiter Teeth

Whether you’re looking to score a date with a special person or ace an interview you’ve been preparing for, one thing remains certain: you may not get as far as you would hope without a great smile. Here are several tips you can use to enjoy a brighter and whiter smile.

1. Stop Drinking Energy Drinks

Even if you live for the rush that energy drinks give you, they are not very good for your teeth. Their acidic content is very corrosive to the enamel on your teeth. If you cannot stop drinking them entirely, then start limiting your consumption of them. Make sure you use a straw when drinking them to keep your teeth from swimming in acid.

2. Avoid Dark Foods

Try to limit your consumption of dark foods and beverages. Dark foods and beverages have a staining effect on your teeth that can leave them discolored and dull looking. Of course, some foods, such as blueberries are very beneficial to your health (and also dark) so use your judgment when eating and drinking foods and beverages that contain dark pigmentation, and chew gum or brush teeth about 20 to 30 minutes after if you are concerned about the staining effects of what you consumed.

3. Eat Your Raw Fruits and Veggies

Eating raw fruits and veggies is not just good for your health, they are also good for your teeth. Raw foods, such as nuts, cauliflower, broccoli, and apples act as “scrubbers” when you chew them to help remove surface stains and plaque from your teeth. Crunchy veggies and nuts also help strengthen your teeth and bones for long-lasting teeth.

4. Change Your Toothbrush

Remember to replace your toothbrush every three to four months or as soon as you notice it looking worn out. After this amount of time, the bristles on your toothbrush start to lose their firmness and shape, thus reducing their effectiveness at cleaning your teeth.

5. Rinse Your Mouth

Rinse your mouth after eating and drinking sugary and acidic foods and beverages. Rinsing immediately after consumption helps to get rid of the acid that is left behind in your mouth. If you don’t, the acid that remains in your mouth will strip the enamel from your teeth making it easier for them to stain.

No matter what you do to keep your teeth clean, don’t forget to see your dentist as needed. Practicing good dental hygiene and receiving proper dental care will keep your smile bright and white.